Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Crist's "Sweet" Deal on U.S. Sugar Expressway

Governor Charlie Crist and his "sweet" deal with U.S. Sugar.

It is wonderful to see the "People's Governor" running out on the people. He only wants to serve one term so he can do better work for the people. That just amazes me.

Just think what good he has done with the water district. Buying land from the sugar companies, which really want to get rid of the land. Sugar doesn't make money anymore, since imports have killed the industry.

The people will pay once it's incorporated into the budget, where it will be buried.

Best of all, if we don't complete the full purchase from the sugar barons, they will get $50 million for doing nothing but making fools of the people.

This is so the governor will get the deal no matter what and look like he helped the environment.

Just think paying $7,500 an acre? Maybe now that is overpriced. Who is checking on the assessor? The same people who let houses sell for $500,000 and $600,000 when they were only worth $200,000?

But to add to this the money push for could have been better applied to fixing the issues of Inaccurate drainage of flood waters.

Also the direct case of Python problem.
Some snakes never shad their skin

I'm glad this governor will only serve one term. Maybe we can find someone who really cares about Florida

U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis released a graph of the economic growth of all 50 states. Florida ranks in the lowest tier for growth. Last month, Florida's unemployment was at 12.2 percent. The state's unemployment is higher than the national average of 9.5 percent.

Which brings up an interesting question.

Why Isn't Crist Spending Stimulas Money ???

Maybe waiting for his Sweet Deal with U.S Sugar to go through. Will be interesting to see projects in this area start.

Charle Crist just a little help from his friends

Add to this Crist's push with the horrible idea of of private companies owning toll roads.

Florida was considering privatizing roads to pay for new construction. The St. Petersburg Times editorial board pointed out the state could borrow money and run tolls cheaper than outsourcing to private contractors.

Alligator Alley or Charle's Tail End for Fl.

The last pieces of the puzzle may well be his selection to fill a senate seat.
With his connections to sugar interest.

Jim Smith: That whole lobbyist question. Is the People's Governor really eager to appoint one of Florida's top lobbyists, whose clients include a bunch of health care and financial institutions, as well as tobacco and sugar interests?

But may also answer the question as to why Crist pushing his
Gov. Charlie Crist touts Cover Florida healthcare plan as ...

MiamiHerald.comCharlie Crist says his health-insurance idea should be a national model, even though it's done little to help Florida's uninsured.

Just some back information. Here

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